
Kumpulan Penelitian (Artikel Ilmiah) Wawan Gunawan, S.Kom., M.T.

Wawan Gunawan, S.Kom., M.T.
Kombinasi algoritma base64 dan caesar cipher pada aplikasi
10 May 2024 17:05:37 0 Comments Artikel Ilmiah 269 Administrator

Kombinasi algoritma base64 dan caesar cipher pada aplikasi

Hasil penelitian kerjasama dengan dosen UMB dengan judul Kombinasi algoritma base64 dan caesar cipher pada aplikasi   Digital information systems must also pay attention to data security because it is confidential, there are many problems with data security which result in loss of data or damage caused by irresponsible parties. This research will combine the BASE64 and CAESAR CIPHER algorithms in applications to maintain the security of financial data so that it cannot be seen by user........... Baca selengkapnya...

Investigating DDOS attacks on metro network
10 May 2024 17:05:38 0 Comments Artikel Ilmiah 386 Administrator

Investigating DDOS attacks on metro network

Diikutsertakan oleh Prof. Rahmat beserta mahasiswanya dengan judul artikel Investigating DDOS attacks on metro network   A broad increase in data consumption in society and industry trigger network operators looking to upgrade their metro networks with higher bandwidth requirements. Service providers and operators are challenged to find a simple, the most efficient and cost-effective way of meeting the demand with new speeds and standards on the horizon. Distributed Denial of Service ........... Baca selengkapnya...

Isometric Contraction ankle joint in Cerebral Palsy using Naive Bayes
10 May 2024 17:05:24 0 Comments Artikel Ilmiah 576 Administrator

Isometric Contraction ankle joint in Cerebral Palsy using Naive Bayes

Diikutsertakan sama Cak Imin pada penelitiannya berjudul Isometric Contraction ankle joint in Cerebral Palsy using Naive Bayes   Cerebral palsy is an abnormal brain development or brain damage that affects the sufferer's ability to move and maintain their balance and posture. Spastic Cerebral Palsy is a type of Cerebral Palsy that has brain damage and muscle stiffness. These muscles become stiff because the message to the muscles is delivered incorrectly by the damaged part of the........... Baca selengkapnya...

Deteksi Email Spam menggunakan Algoritma Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
10 May 2024 17:05:28 0 Comments Artikel Ilmiah 110 Administrator

Deteksi Email Spam menggunakan Algoritma Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

Kembali hasil bersama dengan mahasiswa Chris Moulana Bachri dengan judul Deteksi Email Spam menggunakan Algoritma Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Deteksi email spam merupakan isu penting dalam keamanan siber di Indonesia, yang menempati posisi delapan teratas di dunia dalam hal pengiriman spam. Untuk mengatasi tantangan ini, penelitian ini memperkenalkan penggunaan algoritma Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Dengan kemampuan superior dalam mempelajari dan mengenali pola dari dataset besa........... Baca selengkapnya...

Portofolio kami

Team kami

M. Rizki Awaludin Programmer

M. Rizki Awaludin

Muhammad Sodiq Romadhoni Programmer

Muhammad Sodiq Romadhoni

Wawan Gunawan, S.Kom., M.T. Programmer

Wawan Gunawan, S.Kom., M.T.