Mendapatkan kesempatan join bersama orang cerdas ini, dengan judul conference DIGITAL BOOK FOR IMPROVING LITERACY IN CHILDREN AT THE RUMI BANTAR GEBANG READING CENTER
According to a survey conducted by the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) which was released by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 2019 stated that Indonesia ranked 62nd out of 70 countries with regard to literacy levels. with literacy levels. Based on this survey, one way to increase Indonesian people's interest in reading is by teaching literacy education from an early age. From some of the research results that have been reviewed, we have not found any research that designs or creates e-book applications as a way to improve literacy. research that designs or creates e-book applications as one of the media to support early childhood literacy to support early childhood literacy. Increasing interest in reading can be done in various ways, one of which is by presenting a reading literacy house in the community. Facing the problems and phenomena above, the community service team plans to mobilize interest in reading in children. devotion team plans to mobilize interest in reading in children or cultivate reading literacy assisted by the e-book application. PKM location selection about increasing literacy at the Umi Reading House located in the Bantar Gebang landfill site Area Village, Sumur Batu, is one of the literacy movements that started from the coverage of areas that are less considered by the local government. The solution that the team team plans to foster interest in reading in children, especially children, namely; 1) Provide reading books, especially reading books for children, 2) Build an e-book application that can always be used by children to read, 3) Conduct socialization and mentoring on how to use the e-book application.
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